Friday, May 27, 2011

Hello again, Blackberry.

I had to say goodbye to my iPhone recently and it has been SUCH an adjustment. I got a Blackberry and although I really like some things (hello NO autocorrect!!), I wish other parts were a little better (hello not-as-awesome camera). Oh well. In a few years, I'll get the newest, coolest iPhone. Who knows what it will be like then! :)

Here are a few photos I took with my Blackberry (and played with in Picnik) from our trip down to the campground last weekend:

Snacking on Goldfish

Napping with Whalington :)

Taking his Cars for a ride in his stroller. :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

just us.

I have thought a lot about what it will be like to be a single mom recently. It will be the first time I have really ever lived all by myself (I'll have Cam of course, but he's not an adult :). I am actually looking forward to having our own place and decorating it how we want and doing whatever we want to when we want to. I don't worry about actually caring for Cam by myself because I'm pretty much used to that. The financial aspects of the situation scare me, but I know it will all work out and that God will take care of us. I have a very strict budget set for when we are finally able to move out, and I have already been saving money for us. I've been trying to pack up what I can of our stuff so that when we can move out and find a place, we are pretty well ready.

I will be sad to leave this house after being here for 3 years, but I think I will also be relieved when we can leave. Since I didn't help pick it out, this house has, in some ways, not felt like home to me. But since we have decided to get divorced, it really doesn't feel like home anymore. I am trying to be patient, but I am so ready for Cam and I to move on. I'm just ready for it to be over with.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Cameron and I have been going to visit my parents every weekend on Saturdays. A few weekends ago they were camping in their new camper testing everything out before their upcoming vacation. We decided to go down to the campground and hang out with them. Cam had so much fun! We took him to the playground there too and he loved it. (He would hardly put his cars down though to play.) I really enjoy getting out of the house on Saturdays with him. Here are a few photos from our trip down there a few weekends ago. (I promise to have more new photos very soon!) :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

He loves his Cars!

A trip to see Cars 2 is in our very near future. :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

A New Chapter

Cameron and I are starting a new chapter in our lives and I wanted to document it somewhere. It has become really hard for me to do anything (namely work on my project life) except go to work, figure out dinner and do some house work before I go to bed and do it all over again.

Since I have started working a lot of changes have taken place in our household. A new job, a new car, new friends, etc. Most of the time, I am able to keep myself together. I've actually felt very confident and peaceful throughout this period.

There is no easy way to tell people about the new change I am going through though. There is no easy way to tell your family and friends you are getting a divorce. (It could be part of the reason why I'm not into my project life scrapbook right now.) I am accepting that it is all part of God's plan for my life though. I have had a few 'moments', but I've been okay with it for the most part. I've known it was coming for quite a while.

I am doing really well at my new job and have been told so by the people I've worked closely with for the past month. I really love where I work and it feels so nice to be appreciated in the workplace and have normal work hours without being called in constantly. It's something I haven't experienced in a long time.

I'm enrolled in classes to finish my degree and am beyond excited to hopefully have my Bachelor's degree in a few years.

Yes, this new chapter will be hard but it will be so worth it. At the end of the day I remind myself why I'm doing it and I don't even question myself for a second:

Good grief I love him.

I am having faith.