Saturday, March 28, 2015

Project 52: Week 12

This week's theme is silhouette.

When I saw this was our theme, I knew exactly what photo I took this week that I wanted to use. We walked down to our lake earlier this weekend, and I was able to get some amazing sunset shots using my iPhone. Yes, that's right, my iPhone. When we were close to our house, I captured some with my camera, but this one I'm just in love with. You can see the little fishing boy statue that always sits by our lake, the reflection on our lake, and obviously, the sunset was just outstanding. I felt so happy taking this shot and so lucky to be able to witness it.

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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Project 52: Weeks 10 & 11

The theme for week 10 was self portrait. The theme for week 11 was texture.

Wow! Life has been crazy these past few weeks. It's been go-go-go, so I'm playing catch up on blog stuff. :) Here is my self portrait, taken at work for a friend who's step daughter wanted to see me (lol):

And here is week 11's photo for texture:

I had several photos I could use for texture, but I'm in love with this photo and the fact that I took it with my iPhone. Man, technology. It just gets better and better.

Be back soon to tell you what we've been up to. <3

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Friday, March 6, 2015

Project 52: Week 9

This week's theme is black and white.

More snow. It just won't stop, people. It's pretty much all that happens here anymore. The first shot is a photo I took on our way to work yesterday (no, I wasn't driving). The other is from when we picked up Cam early from school the other day. Mom-of-the-year over here forgot his gloves, so J let him use his. If you also notice, he's really mad because we interrupted him watching Duck Tales at school. Life is hard at 5 years old. :)

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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Project 52: Week 8

Last week's theme is outtake.

Last week was not a good week for me. I came down with a nasty stomach bug at the end of the week that threw me all sorts of off for days. I don't recover like I used to from illness.

Here is an outtake from when I was attempting to take of the kids in the snow the other weekend. Our other cat Zebra happened to be on the deck and I snapped this of him.

This snow just won't go away around here. I am officially DONE with it. It is interfering with my life in all sorts of ways (Scentsy deliveries, plans with friends, etc.) I'm tired of canceling and rearranging stuff! Here's to spring coming soon!

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