Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Good morning from the Edwards! :)

I am thankful for...

1. Cameron. I lament a lot about living here "by myself" without my family close, but Cameron is always here. He is my family, he is my home. I am thankful we have learned how to be our own family in this apartment.

2. My job. I have a source of income, thank God. I am in a place where I'm really frustrated with this area of my life, but I am confident it will pass with lots of prayer. :)

3. My boyfriend & his children. Where to begin? I love them. Dating someone with children is a lot, let alone when you have your own child. I am thankful our kids get along, even though our schedules with them don't really compliment each other. Maybe there will be a little more to be thankful for in that area soon.

4. Running. This has undoubtedly been a rough year for me. Running helped me work through A LOT. I never would have thought I would have a place in my heart for it, but here I am. :)

All in.

Lately, this phrase has been coming to mind a lot. Life is busy, but I'm trying to be all in everything I do.

I have definitely been all in to my homework. I took one class this term, and I have gotten nothing but A's and B's. Slowly getting my focus back. It's really hard. I just want to sit around when I get home from work. :)

Work is busy. I find myself wanting more out of what I do lately. But, in the spirit of not wanting to make a big change yet and "bloom where I'm planted", I'm trying to make it work. I am thankful for my coworkers. They get me through the day.

Project Life. What to say? I am so behind! I'm frustrated. I've had thoughts of not doing it next year. Making time for it is just not happening lately. I'm in a state of trying to balance everything, and it is low on the priority list. Work, Cameron, homework, a still-new relationship... all of these things come first. Rightfully so. Oh, and the relationship? So good. I'm definitely all in. It is not without it's challenges, but all in all, I'm pretty sure the happiest I've ever been.

I took a leap of faith and started a Scentsy business last week. Direct selling was something I'd been considering doing for a while. I sold Arbonne for a few years a while back, but it wasn't the right time or the right product. This feels like the right time and the right product. I need the extra income for sure. Living on my income alone is rough right now. I've decided to go all in to my business. I want this to happen, I want this to work. I met with my sponsor in the first few days. My goal is to sell $500 in product by November 30th. It seems like a crazy goal, but I said that when it came to my fundraising and then I think of what I accomplished there. I definitely want to follow in my sponsor's footsteps and make this an approachable thing. I pinky promise I will not be shoving Scentsy bars in your face constantly. :)

I have my second run on Saturday. I am going to try my hardest to run it all. I'm terrified. I haven't ran in weeks. It got colder and boy, I just lost all motivation. We'll see how it goes, but I'm going to try.

Setting goals. Making plans. Just starting. All in. Showing up.

This is life right now, and it's pretty darn good.