Thursday, January 5, 2012

Potty Training

Hopefully later on in 2012 I will be able to say we are a diaper-free household. We'll see. I do know that we are working on potty training. Cameron moved up to the "2's and 3's" class at his school earlier this year, and well, they potty train in that class. Every day he sits on the potty. Sometimes he goes, sometimes he doesn't. Either way I'm proud of him. He's doing really well. I'm trying to get some incentives going around here. Including printing out a Lightning McQueen potty training chart. I let him know that he would receive a prize for every 5 times he uses the potty. We'll see how it goes.

We have a book that helps us. It's called "No More Diapers for Ducky". It's really great, Cameron loves it. I purchased it through his school so we could have something potty related to read while he sits on his Cars potty seat. We just got a new Scholastic pamphlet today so I'll probably hunt for another potty related book as soon as I get a moment to look at it.

Cameron isn't really, really interested in going on the potty yet. He cries or whines when the teachers or I put him on the potty. I don't want to push him, but I also don't want him to get away with not trying. He does actually go sometimes when he sits on the potty.

Basically, we're getting there. 


  1. We are just starting with Brayden. He peed today in the potty for the first time, and has been saying "poop!" alllll morning. Lord knows I will need patience for this! I like your idea of a reward chart- I might have to look into something like that! :)

  2. That's exactly what I did. When he had like 10 stars he got a mini toy car. I'm sure Cam will get it in no time x
