Friday, October 12, 2012

My first 6K.


It's been almost a month since my first ever run in St. Louis. I wrote a bit about running in a few previous posts. I wanted to kind of take a post to really write about that day though. I woke up early around 5:30AM so I could have breakfast before. I stayed at the Hilton at the Ballpark, so I was very close to the stadium. I had toast and an orange and some water. I made it to the ballpark at 7AM to register. The line wasn't too long, and I made it right through.

I waited along with everyone else by the Stan Musial statue. I was a little anxious, but mostly just ready to run. The nerves didn't hit until I took my place in line. I took a position towards the back since I wasn't sure I could keep a good 10 minute pace the whole time. As I listened to the national anthem play, the nerves really hit and all I wanted to do was RUN. We were getting a late start as it was since they waited an extra 15 minutes for everyone to get registered.

I had read we weren't allowed to have earbuds. Most of the participants had them though. Definitely never running without them ever again. It was really, really hard running without my music. I'd never done it before that day. I walked a bit of the way around mile 2 because my foot went numb. I wasn't thrilled with how I ran (I think I would've done better with my music!), but I was proud of myself because I finished. And really, a 13 minute mile isn't that bad.

Overall, the experience was very good. I more than reached my goal (my goal was to run a 5K before the end of the year), and, for once, I really stuck to something I wasn't sure I could do. It sounds cliche, but it showed me that if I work hard, I can do anything I want to. Crossing the finish line inside Busch Stadium was amazing.

I hated running prior to starting my training, but now I really love it. All I could think of after I finished was "I want to do this again" and "I want to go a longer distance" and "I want to keep doing this". I am considering running in the St. Louis Half Marathon. There are thoughts in my mind that I won't be able to run 13.1 miles, but then again, I thought I couldn't ever run 3 either. Either way, I am definitely doing the Cardinals Care 6K again.

Here's to going futher and pushing yourself.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hello fall.

Hello fall wreath!

Hello fall.

Today I am welcoming fall.

At first, I was in a bit of a panic about fall. I was not ready to give up my beach days and tan, but fall is bringing some very nice things along with it.

It is bringing us a more regular-paced life.

It is bringing me more time to do the things I like to do (hello, project life catch-up!).

It is bringing cooler temperatures, which means more outside play for us and more welcomed running conditions.

It is bringing the anticipation of taking Cameron to the pumpkin patch this weekend.

It is bringing Halloween. Cameron has decided to be a Lightning McQueen driver this year.

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012



Ali Edwards did a post a few weeks ago and challenged us in her newsletter to write about things that were going on currently. It took me a few weeks, but I'm finally getting around to this. I think it will be a nice little addition to our Project Life (which I just so happen to be working on tonight).

Watching The Voice, Revolution, New Girl, Last Resort, Go On, and Revenge. Hello fall TV.

Packing for the weekend. This has become a welcome weekly ritual for me. I spend Saturday, Sunday, and Monday nights at my boyfriend's house. Cameron is always with his dad those nights, and I enjoy not being by myself during that time. Sometimes I stay Friday night too, depending on his Dad's and my schedule.

Paying attention to budgeting money (something I really, really struggle with), my thoughts (positive and negative - trying to be more positive), and my time management (I bought a planner yesterday).

Listening to a lot of Songza, at home and at work. In the car, I'm listening to the new songs on my iPhone - Red by Taylor Swift (lots of Taylor in my playlists lately), With Ur Love by Cher Lloyd, and Shake It Out by Florence and the Machine are just a few.

Celebrating passing my Business Law class. One class closer to my degree.

Savoring the newness of my relationship with J. Relationships take a lot of time in the beginning. I'm enjoying every moment of getting to know him. I'm thankful we were friends prior to dating. He is wonderful.

Planning for Christmas and the holidays. I am scaling back big time this year. I have decided what I'm getting/making everyone, I just need to make it happen. Debating on whether or not I want to decorate this year. The idea seems overwhelming to me right now. We'll see.

Dreaming about running the St. Louis Half Marathon in April 2013. I'm seriously considering doing it. It's been on my mind since my 6K in early September.

Working on Project Life. I'm on break from school this week and next week. Hoping to put a serious dent in this stack of photos.

Loving Cameron's ever-expanding vocabulary. My favorite things he says right now are "wait a minute-second", "I be right back", and "really?!" (He got that one from me. :)

Reading blogs again. Sometimes in the evening, sometimes at work when I need a break from sales numbers. Desperately wanting to start a few new books I got on my Kindle app for iPad. Maybe tonight.

Bundling up. It's that time of year here where you are hot when you are in your car or office, but chilly if you are walking in between the two. Dressing a bit like summer still, but wearing jackets. I got my fall clothes out of our storage unit last week. I'm ready now. C'mon fall.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Managing Life: Days 6-8

This weekend I was able to manage my time pretty well. I took my last final for the term. I start a new term in 2 weeks, so these next few weeks are all about making the most of the time I have to get things done.

The spending ban is off to an okay start. I must confess that I did spend $2 on a new nail polish. :) I haven't bought anything extra other than that though, so I'm doing well there.

This weekend I want to take Cam to the pumpkin patch. I am looking forward to it. I took him last year too. Hopefully he'll be in a bit of a better mood this year. :) I'm looking forward to getting Daphne out and taking some good photos.

This Wednesday is going to be my Project Life catch up day. Hoping to work on it a bit on Friday too, but I may reserve that for a pinterest project or two.

So looking forward to being less stressed and just enjoying the next 2 weeks.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Managing My Life: Days 2-5

I am a little behind on posts for a 30 day challenge right now since I started late, but that's ok. I decided to choose the same topic as Liz and learn how to better manage my life.

One of the big things that eats at me on a daily basis is money. I hate money. Since we moved into our apartment last year, I've accrued, ahem, "some" debt. One of my goals is to get that paid off before I graduate college in a few years.

Yesterday my change was owning that amount I owe. I figured it up and it was scary. It was a higher number than what I thought. I just keep reminding myself that I can do this. I've already cut up most of my credit cards (I have quite a few store accounts... And yes I know that doesn't make it any better).

I signed up for and was shocked at where my money was going. I knew I needed to make a drastic change.

For the next 30 days, I'm not only going to learn how to manage my life, but I'm not going to spend a dime on anything extra. Clothes, nail polish, scrapbook supplies, not a darn thing!

I would like to keep track of everything I want to buy somewhere, but I don't want to get too crazy or make this too complicated. It's going to be hard enough for me not to buy anything. :)

Another thing I am considering doing is buying a weekly planner. I use my iPhone calendar quite a bit but I think the process of actually writing down what needs to be done each day might be good for me.

Change is in the air around here. Let's just hope I keep to it and don't run away out of fear. :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

F is for failure.

I've done a lot of failing this year.

Failed classes (yes, multiple).
Failed relationships.
Failed managing money.
Failed as a mom (earlier this year, I put Cameron in shorts when it was only 50 degrees out).

Fail, fail, fail.

Over, and over, and over.

I really loved this quote when I found it on Pinterest (a lot of what I pin is quotes - if you're following me, you're welcome).

I pretty much walk around feeling like crap 80% of the time right now because I feel like I can't do anything right. I feel like I can't ever give 100% at anything. I always feel like I need more time. Or more money. Or more energy. I feel guilty.

This past year I have had to give up doing things like scrapbooking and blogging and being on twitter. I hate it. I have so many books I want to read and I never have time. I hate people that use that phrase, but I really never have any time. I work 8-5. I spend 6:15-7:30AM getting Cam and I ready to get out the door. I pickup my three-year-old boss at 5:15PM and until 8PM, I cater to him. We color, we read, he has goldfish and juice, we watch Cars, mostly whatever he wants. By the time 8PM rolls around I'm so tired, I just want one freaking hour to sit and do nothing on Pinterest. I procrastinate doing homework. Some nights I'm so overwhelmed after the day and after thinking about what all still needs to be done, I just give up and go to bed. Some nights I stay up past midnight doing homework.

I'm drowning. And I'm not alone.

I literally dream about just walking out of my job every. single. day. But I can't do that because I'm a single mom and my income? That's all we have. And we are scraping by right now.

My life is so unbalanced. I want to get back on track though. So I'm joining Liz's challenge (which is a 31 day challenge from the Nesting Place) to learn how to manage my life.

Up next on the blog? My goals for this project.