Ali Edwards did a post a few weeks ago and challenged us in her newsletter to write about things that were going on currently. It took me a few weeks, but I'm finally getting around to this. I think it will be a nice little addition to our Project Life (which I just so happen to be working on tonight).
Watching The Voice, Revolution, New Girl, Last Resort, Go On, and Revenge. Hello fall TV.
Packing for the weekend. This has become a welcome weekly ritual for me. I spend Saturday, Sunday, and Monday nights at my boyfriend's house. Cameron is always with his dad those nights, and I enjoy not being by myself during that time. Sometimes I stay Friday night too, depending on his Dad's and my schedule.
Paying attention to budgeting money (something I really, really struggle with), my thoughts (positive and negative - trying to be more positive), and my time management (I bought a planner yesterday).
Listening to a lot of Songza, at home and at work. In the car, I'm listening to the new songs on my iPhone - Red by Taylor Swift (lots of Taylor in my playlists lately), With Ur Love by Cher Lloyd, and Shake It Out by Florence and the Machine are just a few.
Celebrating passing my Business Law class. One class closer to my degree.
Savoring the newness of my relationship with J. Relationships take a lot of time in the beginning. I'm enjoying every moment of getting to know him. I'm thankful we were friends prior to dating. He is wonderful.
Planning for Christmas and the holidays. I am scaling back big time this year. I have decided what I'm getting/making everyone, I just need to make it happen. Debating on whether or not I want to decorate this year. The idea seems overwhelming to me right now. We'll see.
Dreaming about running the St. Louis Half Marathon in April 2013. I'm seriously considering doing it. It's been on my mind since my 6K in early September.
Working on Project Life. I'm on break from school this week and next week. Hoping to put a serious dent in this stack of photos.
Loving Cameron's ever-expanding vocabulary. My favorite things he says right now are "wait a minute-second", "I be right back", and "really?!" (He got that one from me. :)
Reading blogs again. Sometimes in the evening, sometimes at work when I need a break from sales numbers. Desperately wanting to start a few new books I got on my Kindle app for iPad. Maybe tonight.
Bundling up. It's that time of year here where you are hot when you are in your car or office, but chilly if you are walking in between the two. Dressing a bit like summer still, but wearing jackets. I got my fall clothes out of our storage unit last week. I'm ready now. C'mon fall.
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