Every once in a while I get an idea to try something new. Sometimes I stick with it (scrapbooking, running, selling Scentsy, etc.), sometimes I don't. This year, one of my new things is gardening. I bought this book and planned on having a very small garden. Instead, I have this one...

It turned out to be pretty big, but I am excited. I can't wait to have fresh fruit and veggies! Let's just hope it all grows! :)
Another new thing I tried recently was Spinning. I wasn't sure I was going to like it, but I loved it! I did an hour long workout of the "high intensity interval training", and it was great. In my particular gym, the lights were low, the music was loud, and our instructor was amazing.

So, lesson learned, when I get a little bored I should mix it up and try something new. :)
I started a garden, too! I hope it turns out for both of us!