Monday, January 19, 2015

December Daily 2014

I know we are half-way to February, but I just recently almost finished my December Daily and I have to share a few pages and highlights with you. Mostly because I'm proud of myself for finally (almost) finishing it!

I say almost because I need a few more photos printed from Christmas Eve and from when we visited J's family, and I'm out of ink for my printer. Wah wah.

Either way, here are a few highlights of my favorite pages!

I need to work on my page protector photography skills. Thankful for the light I had, but man, it's difficult to take photos of those!

Did you participate in December Daily?

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! Love the pocket pages. I really need to bust into my stash and make some "real" pages again. I did complete a Christmas album. Thanks for the reminder - I need to photograph and share.
