I've been getting back into all aspects of scrapbooking and it feels really good. :) I bought this kit from One Little Bird the other week for another project (more on that soon), but decided I wanted to use it on this page of me and Cam too.
My computer hasn't been running right recently, so J reloaded it yesterday. Man, it feels good to start out with a clean slate. This process really made me go through all of my old stuff and clean it out. I burned a bunch of products I don't use much anymore (baby products and random other stuff) onto CD's. Freed up quite a bit of space on my external hard drive. The rest I finally moved over to my computer so I see it and use it more.
I've also been creating real, paper layouts recently. My soon-to-be step-daughter M wanted to learn how to scrapbook, so I bought her an album and have been helping her put together layouts. She's quite the little scrapbooker. I really enjoy helping her, and it's actually made me sit down and do some layouts myself too. I'll have to show you some soon. Still been working on our 2014 Project Life album. Slowing getting all those weeks done!! I'm working on a layout I really like today so I'll share it soon too.
Other than that, I've been cooking and baking. I've made dinner several times this week since I was off work on staycation. I baked brownies earlier in the week and my hubby-to-be's favorite cookies Snickerdoodles today. I normally am not a good cookie baker, but man, these turned out great!! I got a lot of wedding planning done this past week, as well. Also, I found THE dress last Thursday!!! But that's another post itself... ;)
What have you been up to this weekend?
What a sweet layout! Is that you in the bottom photo?? Last weekend we were so busy between the zoo and a birthday party for one of our playgroup friends. This weekend is, thankfully, more relaxed as both Elise & I are in the middle of colds (boo!). Hope you are having a wonderful Valentine's Day!