This morning was the March for Babies. It was a such a perfect day for walking. Lately, I've been identifying a lot with Ali Edwards' showing up mentality. This morning was definitely one of those moments. Where I was happy I showed up. Last year, we raised over $500, but did not end up walking for a handful of reasons. This year, even though the date changed, I was determined to go. I was determined to show up.
I've preached and spoken many times about why the March of Dimes is so important to me. Cameron was born at 35 weeks, and was in the NICU for 3 days. 3 days is nothing compared to many of the stories I've heard, but the fact that he was there still had an impact on me. It hurts my heart to think of parents having their children in there for months, having to leave their babies or their babies never leaving. No parent should have to go through that.
Our ambassador mom this morning said this: "I know I can't change this by myself, but we do this hoping if we all come together, one day no one will have to go through these things anymore." That, my friends, is why I do this.
There were tears, but there was also a lot of celebration. Celebration, for me personally, was having Cameron there with me. Some of you may also remember the miscarriage I had at the very end of December in 2010. I don't like to talk about it, and rarely do, but I think about that little one often. He or she would have been one this month.
The whole event was very therapeutic. Talking to fellow parents about things other parents take for granted during the birth, knowing its ok to feel how you do, and the sense of knowing what the person walking next to you has been through. It just made me love the March of Dimes and what they are doing even more.
I can't wait to do it again.
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