Thursday, September 6, 2012

We are here.

We are still here.

Life is busy and hectic. But it's really good.

Work, laundry, dishes, homework, meetings, phone calls, dates, being lazy, playing, watching tv, time away, birthdays, baseball games, sleepovers, the beach, visiting family. These are the things that have made up our summer.

I found myself drawn to writing again a few months ago. It started with me writing in a Smash book, using it as a personal journal. The things that are happening here on this blog have been in the works for a while. All very cautiously thought out and intentional. This little blog is a work in progress. The name has changed, the look has changed. It needed to reflect that we have changed. Our life may have taken an unexpected turn last year, but we are on the right track now.

I am slowly getting back to doing things I love. Scrapbooking, reading, taking photos, writing. Not too quickly, but I'm getting there. This is just another step. I am so behind on our scrapbook, but I've ignored it for the past 7 months so what makes me think I will be able to accomplish putting 7 months of our lives in a scrapbook overnight? I abandoned doing things I loved for just living for a while. I accept that.

The life you have led doesn't have to be the only life you have. -Anna Quindlen

Here is to writing more and reading more.


  1. Loving the new look and look forward to reading what you guys are up to in the future! x

  2. Love the photo and name!
