Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Long time, no blog.

I'm a really bad blogger, I know. One of my goals is to get back into the habit of blogging. I can make time, I just don't. I choose to watch Gossip Girl usually instead. :)

Things have been going well here for us. We have settled into our new life, our new routine, and our new home quite nicely now. Frankly, being able to do what I want to do, guilt-free is pretty amazing. Cam and I can go visit my parents, or we can stay home. When Cameron is with his Dad, I have all the time in the world to do whatever I want. (During the my school term, it's usually home work.)

This past weekend that free time meant quite a bit of crafting. Christmas time got pretty hectic, but before then and, now, after Christmas, I've found some time to make things. It's been so nice. I've really enjoyed decorating our place. I get to pick out everything without having to hear the opinions of someone else. I never had my own place, I've always lived with other people so it's really great. I'm learning I have to do it slowly, but it's getting there. One week I buy curtains, the next I buy curtain rods, the next I make a wreath. One step at a time.

A lot like how I'm taking life these days. Sometimes I get overwhelmed. With all of my responsibilities. With how long I have before I finish school. With the financial aspects of both. It's scary being on your own. But then I think of how proud of myself I am. I'm doing this. Yes, I have help sometimes, but a lot of the time I don't. It's just me and Cam. And God, of course. He always makes sure we are taken care of. We are so blessed.

I promise to make more time for this in 2012. One step a time.


  1. Yay! I am happy you're blogging again. I thought you dropped off the planet when your old blog's RSS disappeared. But cheers to you for taking the role of the single mom. Life is good, and Cam loves you. And Cars, so it seems :)

  2. Happy to see you blogging again as well! So impressed - you have a very full plate, but what a great attitude. You're also setting an awesome example for Cam. He'll learn a lot from his strong, hardworking mom. :)
