Sunday, January 8, 2012

One Little Word

My word for 2012 is mindful.

At times last year, I found it hard to focus on how blessed we were amidst the chaos. I really want to be mindful of the blessings we have. In being mindful of what we have, I hope to be more content with what we have. When we moved, I did a big clean out of all of our stuff, I would really like to keep this apartment as clutter free as possible so that the next time we move (which won't be for some time!) there won't be as much. Of course, I know we are bound to collect as we go on. I just hope we are able to shed the things we don't need as we have new things. I took so much stuff to Goodwill.

I also want to be mindful that although we are still in an adjustment period here and that this single mom thing is rough, we really do have so very much to be thankful for. When something seems like it is not going to work out, something else happens and it does. God always provides. I really believe that it is only because of Him that we have made it.

My 2011 word, faith, really brought me through and kept me going. Now I feel like it's time to reflect and be thankful. For all of the struggles, for all of the lessons learned. We will come out ahead. It will get better. We just have to keep going.


  1. Love your word. And I SO agree with He always provides somehow. Sometimes it is true that it's always darkest before the dawn.

  2. Great word! You are doing so well to be positive and mindful as a single mom. xxx
