Sunday, February 2, 2014

2014 & Choose.

As I thought about 2014 last month, I just kept seeing the same old things. I was not and am not particularly excited about this year. I will be working at the same place, still taking classes to get my degree, still dealing with the same issues... same, same, same. I'm glad nothing completely crazy is going on, I'm just really ready to be at the next place. At the next stage. Doing the next thing.

My word for this year is choose. I'm excited about it. I've not yet put into words what the word light did for me in 2013, but I can't help feeling like it could've done more. Like I could have done more to put it into action. Like I could have made it a bigger part of my life. I have left so many things unfinished, I'm so tired of it. So I'm going to choose to make choose a part of my life this year. I want to get more out of this word-picking business than just doing what the prompts say. I want my word to be an experience.

So, here are my personal goals I'm choosing to set for 2014:
  • Complete the Beach Body workout program I started last year that was "too hard". 
  • Read one book a month (that is not a school book).
  • Run at least four 5K's (Last year I only did two. When I ran in a 5K in November, I was overwhelmed by how much I missed it. I'm an outdoor runner though, so it will likely be a while before I can start training.) 
  • I want to write more. I really miss blogging. When I do crafts or try something new, I always think about how I could blog it. I always get worried if I start, I will stop again and that makes me feel lazy. I'm going to try anyway. 
  • Take more photos with my DSLR. I used to have hundreds of photos. Now I'm lucky if I take one hundred with my camera. Also, I need to take photos of the kids more. 
 I will start with these four goals and go from there. I don't want to overwhelm myself. Do you have any goals for 2014?

1 comment:

  1. LOVE to see you blogging! :) Love this post, too! I need to work out more, lose about 30 pounds, and get ready to MOVE to our new home.
