Thursday, April 14, 2016


Last weekend I ran in the Go St. Louis 5K. It was a great experience and I'm super proud of myself because I jogged the whole thing! It's my first time in my 4 years of running to do that. This was my eighth 5K. I was pretty nervous about it overall, but I was 'in the zone' that day and that was everything. By the time I reached mile #2, I wasn't letting myself stop!!

I changed how I trained for this one and it paid off. Instead of running on tracks, I ran around our property. I was able to figure out one lap around the property was 0.25 miles. So I ran and ran and ran for the weeks leading up to my 5K. Sometimes the weather forced me inside on the treadmill, which I hated every second of, but I did it.

While I ran around the property, I was able to take some awesome photos. I ran either in the morning or the evening so there was some excellent lighting. I even had a running buddy...

A photo posted by Laura Menser (@lauramenser) on

My next 5K is coming up and I'm excited for it. I'm just hoping to beat my last time of 42:24.

A photo posted by Laura Menser (@lauramenser) on

1 comment:

  1. Way to go!! I always enjoyed running outdoors better too - far more interesting than being stuck on a treadmill.
