Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Project 52: Week 5

This week's theme is morning.

Well here we are at week 5 and I'm just trucking along! I'm pretty proud of myself for sticking with this thing! I am off on vacation this week so I had the opportunity to take the DSLR out this morning once the sun was good and up. I actually got the idea for it yesterday as I was getting the mail. I realized what a good photo it would be from this angle and sure enough, there it is! I was excited about my little bit of sunflare I got too. :)

Interested in joining in on Project 52? Go here


  1. Gorgeous! It looks so warm & sunny (although I'm betting it was a bit chilly). Makes me miss the country a bit. I grew up with a view of the Blue Ridge mountains out my bedroom window.
